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Megany's Classes

Our classes are based on ability, not age, so each student gets learning that is tailored to their level.


New students undergo a placement test to determine which class is best for them. To arrange this, please contact Megany ELC on Line. 

New classes usually start at the Phonics level and progress together. If a class is full, students are placed on a waitlist until enough are ready for a new group. Follow our Facebook page to stay up-to-date with new classes.

Megany ELC new class poster
Learning to Read


Phonics Class

Introductory classes starting with the ABCs. Students develop fluency with the alphabet and build a basic vocabulary foundation, setting the stage for future learning.​



Story Class

Building on phonics, students learn to form sentences and understand stories. The curriculum develops sentence structure skills through listening, reading, writing, and speaking activities centered around storytelling.

Children's Storybooks
World globe on stack of books


Let's Talk!

Students engage with full articles and authentic dialogues from English publications. Divided into introductory, intermediate, and advanced stages, this course focuses on expanding vocabulary, mastering grammar, and building teamwork skills through immersive English activities.​



Studio Classroom

Designed for advanced learners, this class covers diverse topics like science, history, tourism, and psychology, promoting academic and professional English skills. Students gain confidence across all aspects of English, often preparing them to live and study abroad.

Whiteboard with english notes and mindmaps

For the latest schedules or to arrange a placement test, please contact our staff through Line.

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